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Curated Art, Jewelry, Fine Furniture & Collectibles Auction
Sound Estate Company proudly presents an auction in June that is surely to entice the senses. Three clients that all loved to travel in search for the perfect art piece, their taste in the fine arts are abundantly evident in their well thought out collections. In this auction you will discover several original paintings, prints and sculptures. If art isn't your fancy, don't worry, there are plenty of items to keep you interested: Waterford crystal, Fine Jewelry, Lladro Figurines, Asian Flare fine Furniture, sterling silver, vintage fur coats, Armani women's suit, quality area rugs, antiques and lots of lovely decor items.
Tax and 10% buyers premium are added to your auction total. Tax is waived if you have an active reseller permit on file.
Click Here For Instruction on Proxy Bid
Click Here For Instruction on Bidding
Auction pick ups will be In Newcastle, WA. Friday July 1st 10-2 and Saturday July 2nd 10-2. For those out of town there will be alternative pick up days by request only.
Start Date/Time: 2022-06-23 07:00:00
End Date/Time: 2022-06-30 19:00:00
PickUp Date/Time: