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Diehard Pokémon Collector's Dream & Comic Auction
Sound Estate Company is proud to present a diehard Pokémon collectors dream auction. These cards are one of the hottest tickets for collectors. We packed this auction full of good cards. In this auction you will find: 1st editions, several graded cards, Holo's, 1990's cards, Japanese, V Cards, and a variety of years. To mix it up a little we also included some vintage comics from the 1940's, 60's and 70's.
Start Date/Time: 2022-07-05 07:00:00
End Date/Time: 2022-07-13 19:00:00
PickUp Date/Time: This auction will not have a designated pick up time or date, it will be by appointment only in the Burien area. Address given out after auction closes.