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Lot # 61 - Large Metal SW Style Finish Pot & Genuine LIVE Palm Tree in Ceramic Pot
Opening Bid : | $ 5.00 |
Pickup Instructions: | Pick ups for this auction will be Saturday March 2nd from 8AM to 3PM |
Start Date/Time: | 21-Feb-2024 7:00:00 AM |
End Date/Time: | 28-Feb-2024 8:00:00 PM |
Current bid: |
$51.00 |
Highest bidder: | Philhellene |
Auction has ended |
Description :
Real live palm tree planted in black ceramic pot (we think it is solid black color). Pot is inserted into metal southwest design finish planter. This is a large indoor botanic item. Size of finish planter: 15" T x 15" diameter. Palm is 3 feet tall.
Auction History
Highest bidder is Philhellene
Date | Bid | User |
28-Feb-2024 7:52:17 PM | $51.00 | Philhellene |
28-Feb-2024 7:52:16 PM | $50.00 | Vivid |
28-Feb-2024 7:19:24 PM | $41.00 | Philhellene |
26-Feb-2024 6:34:35 AM | $36.00 | AzLax |
26-Feb-2024 6:34:24 AM | $35.00 | MiaGirl13 |
26-Feb-2024 6:34:24 AM | $35.00 | AzLax |
26-Feb-2024 6:34:15 AM | $31.00 | MiaGirl13 |
26-Feb-2024 6:34:14 AM | $30.00 | AzLax |
21-Feb-2024 5:58:43 PM | $21.00 | MiaGirl13 |
21-Feb-2024 8:06:31 AM | $5.00 | Vivid |