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Lot # 89 - Dudley Carver Wood Carved Totem Statue
Opening Bid : | $ 5.00 |
Pickup Instructions: | Pick ups for this auction will be Saturday March 2nd from 8AM to 3PM |
Start Date/Time: | 21-Feb-2024 7:00:00 AM |
End Date/Time: | 28-Feb-2024 8:32:00 PM |
Current bid: |
$876.00 |
Highest bidder: | ankur257 |
Auction has ended |
Description :
Dudley Carter (Redmond park named after him in 2012) was born in 1891 in British Columbia. He learned to carve from the Salish Native Americans. Dudley became a professional carver and sculptor and his works are throughout the world. This Eagle Totem is one of Dudley's works and is signed by the carver. It is roughly 3.5' feet tall (exact dimensions) 41” tall x 44” wide (wing span) x 10” depth. The carving is reflective of the Pacific Northwest Native American style.
Auction History
Highest bidder is ankur257
Date | Bid | User |
28-Feb-2024 8:28:19 PM | $876.00 | ankur257 |
28-Feb-2024 8:28:18 PM | $866.00 | Herbie#2 |
28-Feb-2024 8:27:56 PM | $796.00 | ankur257 |
28-Feb-2024 8:27:47 PM | $760.00 | Herbie#2 |
28-Feb-2024 8:27:26 PM | $709.00 | ankur257 |
28-Feb-2024 8:27:26 PM | $699.00 | Herbie#2 |
28-Feb-2024 8:27:00 PM | $660.00 | ankur257 |
28-Feb-2024 8:26:59 PM | $650.00 | MAD1 |
28-Feb-2024 8:26:51 PM | $590.00 | ankur257 |
28-Feb-2024 8:26:50 PM | $580.00 | MAD1 |
28-Feb-2024 8:26:44 PM | $537.00 | ankur257 |
28-Feb-2024 8:26:43 PM | $527.00 | MAD1 |
28-Feb-2024 8:26:37 PM | $460.00 | ankur257 |
28-Feb-2024 8:26:34 PM | $455.00 | Herbie#2 |
28-Feb-2024 8:26:34 PM | $450.00 | MAD1 |
28-Feb-2024 7:41:00 PM | $306.00 | Herbie#2 |
28-Feb-2024 7:40:59 PM | $301.00 | jopepa |
28-Feb-2024 7:39:52 PM | $257.00 | Herbie#2 |
28-Feb-2024 7:39:51 PM | $252.00 | jopepa |
28-Feb-2024 7:30:07 PM | $227.00 | Herbie#2 |
25-Feb-2024 12:34:37 PM | $218.00 | jopepa |
25-Feb-2024 12:34:36 PM | $213.00 | jmedici |
24-Feb-2024 6:56:36 PM | $177.00 | jopepa |
24-Feb-2024 6:56:36 PM | $172.00 | jmedici |
24-Feb-2024 6:56:16 PM | $150.00 | jopepa |
24-Feb-2024 6:56:15 PM | $145.00 | jmedici |
24-Feb-2024 6:56:01 PM | $114.00 | jopepa |
24-Feb-2024 6:56:00 PM | $109.00 | jmedici |
21-Feb-2024 4:13:31 PM | $64.00 | jopepa |
21-Feb-2024 4:13:30 PM | $63.00 | genie |
21-Feb-2024 12:14:27 PM | $61.00 | jopepa |
21-Feb-2024 12:14:26 PM | $60.00 | Ntruckey |
21-Feb-2024 12:13:09 PM | $51.00 | jopepa |
21-Feb-2024 12:13:09 PM | $50.00 | Ntruckey |
21-Feb-2024 12:12:05 PM | $31.00 | jopepa |
21-Feb-2024 12:12:05 PM | $30.00 | Ntruckey |
21-Feb-2024 12:11:55 PM | $21.00 | jopepa |
21-Feb-2024 12:11:55 PM | $20.00 | Ntruckey |
21-Feb-2024 9:15:37 AM | $6.00 | jopepa |
21-Feb-2024 9:14:13 AM | $5.00 | O'Derrill |