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Lot # 32 - Vintage Cameo & Faberge Style Pendants - Juliana Chalk Pendant
Opening Bid : | $ 5.00 |
Pickup Instructions: | Pickups for Pt.1 & Pt.2 will be on Saturday January 13th, 10am - 3pm |
Start Date/Time: | 02-Jan-2024 7:00:00 AM |
End Date/Time: | 09-Jan-2024 7:31:00 PM |
Current bid: |
$81.00 |
Highest bidder: | MarjSeyl |
Auction has ended |
Description :
Vintage Cameo & Faberge Style Pendants
2 heavy brass back cameos: Golden lady is reverse painted glass
Unmarked Sterling with lace flower
Coro hen and basket pin
Possibly a carved bakelite pendant
A dangling pendant that was part of a DeLizza and Elster a/k/a Juliana Chalk Moroccan Matrix Amethyst and Ruby Cabochon Dangle Brooch Pendant first seen in 1971. Egyptian Revival style.
Pink stone pendant is possibly Rhodocrosite
Several Faberge Style Pendants
The smallest of the cameos appears to be Sterling backed and converted from ring to pendant
Largest 2.25 inches tall, smallest is 1/2".
Auction History
Highest bidder is MarjSeyl
Date | Bid | User |
09-Jan-2024 5:49:28 PM | $81.00 | MarjSeyl |
09-Jan-2024 5:43:24 PM | $66.00 | bidder |
07-Jan-2024 10:43:59 PM | $61.00 | DebC |
07-Jan-2024 10:43:28 PM | $36.00 | MarjSeyl |
07-Jan-2024 10:43:28 PM | $35.00 | DebC |
07-Jan-2024 6:35:13 PM | $27.00 | MarjSeyl |
07-Jan-2024 6:35:12 PM | $26.00 | L2988 |
05-Jan-2024 3:22:49 PM | $21.00 | MarjSeyl |
05-Jan-2024 12:48:13 AM | $9.00 | Raypaul |
02-Jan-2024 11:06:00 AM | $5.00 | howard26 |