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Lot # 48 - Vintage Plastic Battery Operated Robots - Laughing Robot
Opening Bid : | $ 5.00 |
Pickup Instructions: | Pickups for Pt.1 & Pt.2 will be on Saturday January 13th, 10am - 3pm |
Start Date/Time: | 03-Jan-2024 7:00:00 AM |
End Date/Time: | 10-Jan-2024 7:47:00 PM |
Current bid: |
$110.00 |
Highest bidder: | Gaddzook |
Auction has ended |
Description :
Vintage Plastic Battery Operated Robots in Original Boxes
Laughing Robot No.36021 by Yonezawa Toys
Tommy The Atomic Robot Black and Gold New Bright
Both battery terminals are clean
Boxes measured 10.5 inches tall
Auction History
Highest bidder is Gaddzook
Date | Bid | User |
10-Jan-2024 5:55:22 PM | $110.00 | Gaddzook |
10-Jan-2024 5:55:21 PM | $105.00 | bidder |
10-Jan-2024 5:54:53 PM | $86.00 | Gaddzook |
10-Jan-2024 5:54:52 PM | $85.00 | bidder |
10-Jan-2024 5:54:42 PM | $66.00 | Gaddzook |
10-Jan-2024 5:54:42 PM | $65.00 | bidder |
10-Jan-2024 4:17:40 PM | $29.00 | Gaddzook |
10-Jan-2024 1:00:18 PM | $21.00 | eligrba |
09-Jan-2024 1:29:11 PM | $20.00 | Marco |
09-Jan-2024 1:29:11 PM | $20.00 | MummyKitty |
08-Jan-2024 11:28:57 AM | $15.00 | Marco |
08-Jan-2024 11:28:57 AM | $14.00 | Swin |
06-Jan-2024 12:36:18 PM | $12.00 | Marco |
06-Jan-2024 12:36:17 PM | $11.00 | Ashlie |
04-Jan-2024 11:38:22 PM | $10.00 | Marco |
04-Jan-2024 11:38:21 PM | $10.00 | Aaron M |
03-Jan-2024 9:30:30 PM | $6.00 | Marco |
03-Jan-2024 12:51:35 PM | $5.00 | VEGAS53 |