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Lot # 8 - 1970s Schwinn Super Sport Women's Bike Kool Lemon Yellow
Opening Bid : | $ 5.00 |
Pickup Instructions: | Pickups will be on Saturday January 27th, 10am - 3pm |
Start Date/Time: | 18-Jan-2024 7:00:00 AM |
End Date/Time: | 24-Jan-2024 7:07:00 PM |
Current bid: |
$71.00 |
Highest bidder: | Noodles |
Auction has ended |
Description :
Vintage women’s Schwinn Super Sport in yellow - everything appears to be original on the bike even the tires.
Tires need to be replaced as they are original.
Has some rust on the chrome fenders.
In pretty great condition.
Auction History
Highest bidder is Noodles
Date | Bid | User |
23-Jan-2024 10:26:11 AM | $71.00 | Noodles |
23-Jan-2024 10:26:10 AM | $70.00 | GGjack |
22-Jan-2024 8:11:55 PM | $56.00 | Noodles |
22-Jan-2024 8:11:38 PM | $48.00 | GLW |
22-Jan-2024 8:11:37 PM | $47.00 | Noodles |
18-Jan-2024 7:23:31 PM | $36.00 | GLW |
18-Jan-2024 7:23:18 PM | $32.00 | Sda42 |
18-Jan-2024 7:23:18 PM | $31.00 | GLW |
18-Jan-2024 7:23:09 PM | $22.00 | Sda42 |
18-Jan-2024 7:23:09 PM | $21.00 | GLW |
18-Jan-2024 7:21:16 PM | $13.00 | Sda42 |
18-Jan-2024 3:31:51 PM | $11.00 | GLW |
18-Jan-2024 2:46:31 PM | $5.00 | Hhastings |