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Lot # 13 - Pittsburgh Crank Standing Desk
Opening Bid : | $ 5.00 |
Pickup Instructions: | Pickups will be on Friday, February 9th 12 pm - 6 pm; Saturday February 10th 10am - 3pm |
Start Date/Time: | 30-Jan-2024 7:00:00 AM |
End Date/Time: | 06-Feb-2024 7:12:00 PM |
Current bid: |
$52.00 |
Highest bidder: | JTre |
Auction has ended |
Description :
Vintage chestnut finish kiln-dried solid pine wood desk top mounted on sturdy steel supports with hand crank that adjusts table from sitting to standing. 29.5" at lowest setting and adjustable up to 47". Support base legs are 25.5" L x 4" W. Overall Height: 48" L x 28" W.
Pittsburgh Crank Standing Desk purchased from Pottery Barn. No longer available.
Auction History
Highest bidder is JTre
Date | Bid | User |
06-Feb-2024 5:58:49 PM | $52.00 | JTre |
03-Feb-2024 1:21:03 PM | $46.00 | bandito |
03-Feb-2024 1:21:03 PM | $45.00 | PNWBill |
03-Feb-2024 1:20:53 PM | $41.00 | bandito |
03-Feb-2024 1:20:52 PM | $40.00 | PNWBill |
03-Feb-2024 1:20:37 PM | $36.00 | bandito |
03-Feb-2024 1:20:37 PM | $35.00 | PNWBill |
31-Jan-2024 7:40:59 AM | $31.00 | bandito |
30-Jan-2024 6:28:23 PM | $30.00 | PNWBill |
30-Jan-2024 6:28:22 PM | $30.00 | Fool |
30-Jan-2024 4:04:00 PM | $26.00 | PNWBill |
30-Jan-2024 4:03:22 PM | $25.00 | GloriaP |
30-Jan-2024 4:03:21 PM | $25.00 | PNWBill |
30-Jan-2024 4:03:12 PM | $21.00 | GloriaP |
30-Jan-2024 4:03:11 PM | $20.00 | PNWBill |
30-Jan-2024 9:37:13 AM | $11.00 | GloriaP |
30-Jan-2024 9:37:12 AM | $10.00 | yogibaba |
30-Jan-2024 8:57:22 AM | $5.00 | GloriaP |