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Lot # 25 - John Lennon Vinyl Walls & Bridges Framed Wall Memorabilia
Opening Bid : | $ 5.00 |
Pickup Instructions: | Pickups will be Saturday, April 6th from 9:00-2:00 |
Start Date/Time: | 25-Mar-2024 7:00:00 AM |
End Date/Time: | 01-Apr-2024 6:26:00 PM |
Current bid: |
$138.00 |
Highest bidder: | Lucky1 |
Auction has ended |
Description :
John Lennon Vinyl Walls & Bridges Framed Wall Memorabilia Walls and Bridges is the fifth studio album by John Lennon, written, recorded and released during his 18-month separation from Yoko Ono (June 1973-January 1975), the album captures Lennon in the midst of his 'Lost Weekend'. This album was an American Billboard number one album and featured two hit singles 'Whatever Gets You thru the Night' and '#9 Dream', the first of which was Lennon's first number one hit in the United States as a solo artist.
Auction History
Highest bidder is Lucky1
Date | Bid | User |
01-Apr-2024 6:19:58 PM | $138.00 | Lucky1 |
01-Apr-2024 6:19:58 PM | $133.00 | 98023 |
01-Apr-2024 6:19:36 PM | $116.00 | Lucky1 |
01-Apr-2024 6:19:36 PM | $111.00 | 98023 |
01-Apr-2024 12:02:56 PM | $87.00 | Lucky1 |
31-Mar-2024 10:02:35 AM | $76.00 | Xray |
31-Mar-2024 10:01:00 AM | $64.00 | WorthAShot |
31-Mar-2024 10:01:00 AM | $63.00 | Xray |
31-Mar-2024 9:59:37 AM | $57.00 | WorthAShot |
31-Mar-2024 9:59:37 AM | $56.00 | Xray |
31-Mar-2024 9:59:14 AM | $52.00 | WorthAShot |
31-Mar-2024 9:59:14 AM | $51.00 | Xray |
30-Mar-2024 1:16:40 PM | $47.00 | WorthAShot |
30-Mar-2024 9:23:15 AM | $46.00 | second_floor_pineapple |
30-Mar-2024 9:22:40 AM | $45.00 | XTPenguin |
30-Mar-2024 9:22:40 AM | $45.00 | second_floor_pineapple |
30-Mar-2024 9:22:32 AM | $41.00 | XTPenguin |
30-Mar-2024 9:22:32 AM | $40.00 | second_floor_pineapple |
30-Mar-2024 8:48:15 AM | $38.00 | XTPenguin |
28-Mar-2024 10:28:30 PM | $36.00 | second_floor_pineapple |
28-Mar-2024 10:28:22 PM | $35.00 | XTPenguin |
28-Mar-2024 10:28:22 PM | $35.00 | second_floor_pineapple |
28-Mar-2024 8:21:48 PM | $31.00 | XTPenguin |
28-Mar-2024 11:36:53 AM | $26.00 | second_floor_pineapple |
26-Mar-2024 8:13:16 PM | $25.00 | bandhippie |
26-Mar-2024 8:13:16 PM | $25.00 | XTPenguin |
26-Mar-2024 12:53:55 PM | $21.00 | bandhippie |
26-Mar-2024 12:53:55 PM | $20.00 | XTPenguin |
26-Mar-2024 10:51:56 AM | $9.00 | bandhippie |
26-Mar-2024 10:51:55 AM | $8.00 | gking727 |
25-Mar-2024 8:06:48 PM | $5.00 | bandhippie |