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Lot # 44 - Vintage Handmade Norwegian Bentwood Tine Box
Opening Bid : | $ 5.00 |
Pickup Instructions: | Pickups are in West Seattle. Pickups will be on Saturday Feb 3rd 10AM to 3PM and Sunday Feb 4th 11AM to 2PM. Parking is very limited as the driveway is only wide enough for one car. We ask to please stick to your assigned pick up time. Staff is limited, please be patient. |
Start Date/Time: | 24-Jan-2024 7:00:00 AM |
End Date/Time: | 31-Jan-2024 7:43:00 PM |
Current bid: |
$56.00 |
Highest bidder: | Phoneix68 |
Auction has ended |
Description :
Beautifully crafted Vintage handmade Norwegian Bentwood Tine box. This lovely box is in marvelous condition, just a few imperfection on the edge of the top. All the stitching and tines is in perfect condition. Dimensions: 13" long with tines; 6.5" wide and 5.5" high with handle. This box is being used as a sewing box and is filled with spools of thread.
Auction History
Highest bidder is Phoneix68
Date | Bid | User |
30-Jan-2024 9:14:46 AM | $56.00 | Phoneix68 |
30-Jan-2024 9:14:45 AM | $55.00 | Lunchmeat |
29-Jan-2024 12:30:07 AM | $53.00 | Phoneix68 |
29-Jan-2024 12:28:42 AM | $51.00 | BidMom |
29-Jan-2024 12:28:42 AM | $50.00 | Phoneix68 |
28-Jan-2024 10:36:58 PM | $41.00 | BidMom |
28-Jan-2024 10:09:56 PM | $36.00 | Phoneix68 |
28-Jan-2024 10:09:47 PM | $31.00 | BidMom |
28-Jan-2024 10:09:46 PM | $30.00 | Phoneix68 |
28-Jan-2024 1:15:54 AM | $21.00 | BidMom |
24-Jan-2024 11:12:01 PM | $18.00 | Phoneix68 |
24-Jan-2024 11:11:53 PM | $11.00 | Alwayshopping |
24-Jan-2024 11:11:52 PM | $10.00 | Phoneix68 |
24-Jan-2024 2:01:38 PM | $6.00 | Alwayshopping |
24-Jan-2024 7:36:06 AM | $5.00 | penguininthefreezer |