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Lot # 103 - Odds & Ends For A Collector of Smalls
Opening Bid : | $ 5.00 |
Pickup Instructions: | |
Start Date/Time: | 07-Feb-2024 7:00:00 AM |
End Date/Time: | 15-Feb-2024 8:48:00 PM |
Current bid: |
$31.00 |
Highest bidder: | BidMom |
Auction has ended |
Description :
VINTAGE Silver plate - CROWN 1949-1954 ROSON Table Lighter Designer Brighton Silver-Tone Desert Passage Round Dial Analog Desk Clock Brand: Brighton Desk Clock: 2.25 in Markings: Brighton Crystal Case : 36.4 mm Crystal : 29.2 mm Weight: 94.4g Vintage Etched Brass Slipper Personal Ashtray Made in India Vintage Dieu Et Mon Droit Brass Doo Knocker 1953 Lion & Unicorn Original Vintage Brass Bell Door Knocker Bells of Sarna Antique engraved India Pewter toned cat & pelican, small clay face, vintage spectacles and letter opener
Auction History
Highest bidder is BidMom
Date | Bid | User |
15-Feb-2024 8:43:04 PM | $31.00 | BidMom |
15-Feb-2024 8:43:04 PM | $30.00 | howard26 |
15-Feb-2024 8:40:55 PM | $29.00 | BidMom |
15-Feb-2024 8:38:42 PM | $23.00 | howard26 |
15-Feb-2024 8:38:20 PM | $16.00 | BidMom |
15-Feb-2024 8:38:10 PM | $15.00 | L2988 |
15-Feb-2024 8:38:10 PM | $15.00 | BidMom |
14-Feb-2024 9:50:30 AM | $11.00 | L2988 |
11-Feb-2024 7:22:21 AM | $9.00 | Auzzie |
07-Feb-2024 9:29:01 AM | $8.00 | howard26 |
07-Feb-2024 9:29:00 AM | $7.00 | BLEEK |
07-Feb-2024 9:09:06 AM | $5.00 | howard26 |