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Lot # 188 - Amazon Kindle and Fire Tablet
Opening Bid : | $ 5.00 |
Pickup Instructions: | 325 W 5th Ave #53, Sequim WA 98382. Easiest way to the house is to go past the fire department on 5th ave and take a left at the West Alder storage units. The house is just right behind the storage units. You'll see the pickers!. Please don't block the road in front of the house. That is a main access road for the community. |
Start Date/Time: | 09-Apr-2024 7:00:00 AM |
End Date/Time: | 16-Apr-2024 9:07:00 PM |
Current bid: |
$26.00 |
Highest bidder: | Smcp |
Auction has ended |
Description :
All work and fire tablet will be reset. Kindle (black and white) will keep all books. About 600 books on it
Auction History
Highest bidder is Smcp
Date | Bid | User |
16-Apr-2024 8:33:47 PM | $26.00 | Smcp |
16-Apr-2024 6:14:51 PM | $25.00 | JSQUARED |
16-Apr-2024 3:16:28 PM | $23.00 | Smcp |
16-Apr-2024 2:14:54 PM | $21.00 | Tessa |
16-Apr-2024 2:14:41 PM | $20.00 | Smcp |
16-Apr-2024 2:14:41 PM | $20.00 | Tessa |
16-Apr-2024 10:46:38 AM | $16.00 | Smcp |
16-Apr-2024 10:46:12 AM | $15.00 | Tessa |
16-Apr-2024 10:46:12 AM | $15.00 | Smcp |
14-Apr-2024 6:12:54 PM | $13.00 | Tessa |
14-Apr-2024 6:12:54 PM | $12.00 | JSQUARED |
13-Apr-2024 8:32:48 PM | $11.00 | Tessa |
13-Apr-2024 8:32:48 PM | $10.00 | Woosquirrel |
10-Apr-2024 7:45:28 PM | $6.00 | Tessa |
09-Apr-2024 2:31:16 PM | $5.00 | Woosquirrel |