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Lot # 28 - Vintage Porsche 917 1970s Le Mans 'Hippie' #3 Car Silk Scarf
Opening Bid : | $ 5.00 |
Pickup Instructions: | Pickups will be on Saturday April 13th 10am - 1pm |
Start Date/Time: | 04-Apr-2024 7:00:00 AM |
End Date/Time: | 11-Apr-2024 7:35:00 PM |
Current bid: |
$271.00 |
Highest bidder: | Stuttg.art |
Auction has ended |
Description :
Vintage Porsche 917 1970s Le Mans 'Hippie' #3 Car Silk Scarf
Showing the famous psychedelic long tail Le Mans version of the car with signatures of all the drivers who drove this model.
Comes with envelope.
New, never used. Excellent condition
Auction History
Highest bidder is Stuttg.art
Date | Bid | User |
11-Apr-2024 7:31:39 PM | $271.00 | Stuttg.art |
11-Apr-2024 7:30:47 PM | $255.00 | seattle-spencer |
11-Apr-2024 7:27:33 PM | $240.00 | Stuttg.art |
11-Apr-2024 7:26:58 PM | $230.00 | seattle-spencer |
11-Apr-2024 7:26:58 PM | $225.00 | Stuttg.art |
11-Apr-2024 7:26:49 PM | $215.00 | seattle-spencer |
11-Apr-2024 7:26:49 PM | $210.00 | Stuttg.art |
11-Apr-2024 7:19:29 PM | $205.00 | seattle-spencer |
11-Apr-2024 7:04:25 PM | $165.00 | Stuttg.art |
11-Apr-2024 7:04:25 PM | $160.00 | 968 |
11-Apr-2024 6:56:11 PM | $140.00 | Stuttg.art |
11-Apr-2024 6:56:11 PM | $135.00 | 968 |
11-Apr-2024 6:06:26 PM | $110.00 | Stuttg.art |
11-Apr-2024 6:06:26 PM | $105.00 | 968 |
11-Apr-2024 10:03:50 AM | $81.00 | Stuttg.art |
11-Apr-2024 10:03:50 AM | $80.00 | TheRhys |
11-Apr-2024 9:51:49 AM | $67.00 | Stuttg.art |
11-Apr-2024 9:45:20 AM | $58.00 | TheRhys |
11-Apr-2024 9:45:20 AM | $57.00 | RFA |
10-Apr-2024 12:06:16 PM | $51.00 | TheRhys |
08-Apr-2024 5:07:58 PM | $46.00 | Willow63 |
08-Apr-2024 5:07:53 PM | $45.00 | seattle-spencer |
08-Apr-2024 5:07:53 PM | $45.00 | Willow63 |
08-Apr-2024 8:21:20 AM | $38.00 | seattle-spencer |
05-Apr-2024 6:44:44 PM | $31.00 | Air cooled |
05-Apr-2024 5:06:53 PM | $19.00 | Droc356 |
05-Apr-2024 8:56:39 AM | $11.00 | seattle-spencer |
04-Apr-2024 1:25:38 PM | $6.00 | msshaw60 |
04-Apr-2024 7:58:03 AM | $5.00 | Droc356 |