Lot # 67 - Two Rolling Metal Industrial Shelves

Opening Bid : $ 5.00
Pickup Instructions: Pickups will be Saturday April 20th from 10AM to 2PM
Start Date/Time: 11-Apr-2024 7:00:00 AM
End Date/Time: 18-Apr-2024 8:06:00 PM
Current bid:


Highest bidder:


Auction has ended

Description :

Two Rolling Metal Industrial Shelves. 

Auction History

Highest bidder is 123!

Date Bid User
18-Apr-2024 7:45:22 PM $145.00 123!
18-Apr-2024 7:45:22 PM $140.00 HEEJ
18-Apr-2024 7:43:53 PM $125.00 123!
18-Apr-2024 7:43:52 PM $120.00 HEEJ
18-Apr-2024 7:43:36 PM $101.00 123!
18-Apr-2024 7:43:36 PM $100.00 HEEJ
18-Apr-2024 7:11:59 PM $68.00 123!
15-Apr-2024 5:29:00 PM $61.00 Alwayshopping
15-Apr-2024 11:45:40 AM $52.00 Samsquanch
15-Apr-2024 11:45:17 AM $51.00 Alwayshopping
15-Apr-2024 11:45:17 AM $50.00 Samsquanch
14-Apr-2024 12:43:02 AM $41.00 Alwayshopping
13-Apr-2024 8:51:00 PM $32.00 Woosquirrel
13-Apr-2024 8:50:10 PM $31.00 Alwayshopping
13-Apr-2024 8:50:10 PM $30.00 Woosquirrel
13-Apr-2024 8:29:57 PM $26.00 Alwayshopping
13-Apr-2024 7:44:30 PM $22.00 Woosquirrel
11-Apr-2024 10:48:13 AM $16.00 Alwayshopping
11-Apr-2024 10:48:13 AM $15.00 ChesHav
11-Apr-2024 10:03:50 AM $7.00 Alwayshopping
11-Apr-2024 8:36:08 AM $5.00 Willybooy

2024 Sound Estate LLC