Lot # 43 - 1983 Oil Painting of Dog 16 x 20

Opening Bid : $ 5.00
Pickup Instructions: South Everett, Saturday, May 18, 9:30 am - 12:30 pm.
Start Date/Time: 08-May-2024 7:00:00 AM
End Date/Time: 15-May-2024 7:42:00 PM
Current bid:


Highest bidder:

Elizabeth George

Auction has ended

Description :

Not much information about this painting other than it is an unknown artist oil painting on canvas of a Maltese dog.  Dated 1983?

Auction History

Highest bidder is Elizabeth George

Date Bid User
08-May-2024 9:35:08 PM $6.00 Elizabeth George
08-May-2024 7:38:44 PM $5.00 anamohno

2024 Sound Estate LLC