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Lot # 180 - Antique & Crystal Through the Decades - Kosta Boda Vase
Opening Bid : | $ 5.00 |
Pickup Instructions: | FRIDAY June 14th by Text/Call Appointment Only SATURDAY June 15th from 10AM to 2PM - Sign up via Sign Up Genius Link on Invoice |
Start Date/Time: | 05-Jun-2024 7:00:00 AM |
End Date/Time: | 12-Jun-2024 9:59:00 PM |
Current bid: |
$14.00 |
Highest bidder: | HappinussQ |
Auction has ended |
Description :
Vintage brilliant cut crystal footed bowl - 8”D bowl
9.75”D plate
Kosta Boda Etched Woman Art Bud Vase 6.5" - LG 2218
Glass top etched S&P
Weighted FB Rogers candle holder
US Glass Intaglio "Sunflower" Butter Dish - 7.5”W
Danish Just Andersen Four-Leaf Clover Pewter Candle Holder - dented, has monogram
Crystal Soliflore Bud Vase by Cristal d' Arques
Early American Pressed Glass Fruit ripening lidded pedestal bowl - chewed glass on lid
Auction History
Highest bidder is HappinussQ
Date | Bid | User |
11-Jun-2024 10:10:23 AM | $14.00 | HappinussQ |
11-Jun-2024 10:10:23 AM | $13.00 | JoJohn |
11-Jun-2024 10:09:56 AM | $10.00 | HappinussQ |
11-Jun-2024 10:09:56 AM | $9.00 | JoJohn |
11-Jun-2024 10:09:31 AM | $8.00 | HappinussQ |
11-Jun-2024 10:09:31 AM | $7.00 | JoJohn |
05-Jun-2024 4:28:33 PM | $5.00 | HappinussQ |