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Lot # 3 - RARE Original 1957 “The Invisible Boy” Movie Posters - Over $700 Worth
Opening Bid : | $ 5.00 |
Pickup Instructions: | |
Start Date/Time: | 03-Jun-2024 7:00:00 AM |
End Date/Time: | 10-Jun-2024 7:06:00 PM |
Current bid: |
$111.00 |
Highest bidder: | Goodz |
Auction has ended |
Description :
1/2 Sheet Poster is mounted on a strong piece of upholstered paper.
Measurements (including outer paper lining): 29 inches W x 23.5 H inches
- Great condition, minor staining at top. Shown in photos.
Australian Daybill Poster: 13.25 inches W x 30 inches H
- Very thin like newspaper paper. Has been folded. Has some minor creasing and staining.
Auction History
Highest bidder is Goodz
Date | Bid | User |
10-Jun-2024 7:03:50 PM | $111.00 | Goodz |
10-Jun-2024 7:03:50 PM | $106.00 | Wilbur |
10-Jun-2024 7:01:14 PM | $101.00 | Goodz |
09-Jun-2024 11:24:36 AM | $99.00 | Viktor S |
09-Jun-2024 11:24:36 AM | $98.00 | Silversee |
09-Jun-2024 11:24:30 AM | $79.00 | Viktor S |
09-Jun-2024 11:24:30 AM | $78.00 | Silversee |
07-Jun-2024 10:09:47 AM | $31.00 | Viktor S |
03-Jun-2024 11:43:56 AM | $26.00 | Seattle79 |
03-Jun-2024 11:43:56 AM | $25.00 | Jevan |
03-Jun-2024 11:43:49 AM | $18.00 | Seattle79 |
03-Jun-2024 11:43:49 AM | $17.00 | Jevan |
03-Jun-2024 8:46:27 AM | $13.00 | Seattle79 |
03-Jun-2024 8:46:27 AM | $12.00 | gking727 |
03-Jun-2024 7:33:34 AM | $5.00 | Seattle79 |