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Lot # 7 - Signed AP Serigraph Called "Verano" 1977 By Armando Villagran
Opening Bid : | $ 5.00 |
Pickup Instructions: | |
Start Date/Time: | 29-Jul-2024 7:00:00 AM |
End Date/Time: | 05-Aug-2024 7:06:00 PM |
Current bid: |
$91.00 |
Highest bidder: | Frenchbraid |
Auction has ended |
Description :
Signed AP serigraph Print Called "Verano" 1977 By Armando Villagran. Pencil signed About the artist: Born in 1945 in Mexico City and died in 1995, Villagrán was a self-taught artist, a painter, draftsman and illustrator with a neo-figurative style. Villagrán has been considered by the art critics of Mexico as a poetic visual artist; his work has been compared to Paul Klee’s, especially in form, line and color. Villagran is one of the artists who tried to create a universal expression out of regionalisms or ethnicisms. There is no COA with this print.
Dimensions : 22.5 in W x 28.5 in H
Auction History
Highest bidder is Frenchbraid
Date | Bid | User |
05-Aug-2024 7:02:11 PM | $91.00 | Frenchbraid |
05-Aug-2024 6:59:04 PM | $88.00 | 3134855895 |
05-Aug-2024 6:56:09 PM | $81.00 | Frenchbraid |
05-Aug-2024 6:18:29 PM | $77.00 | 3134855895 |
04-Aug-2024 1:02:13 PM | $66.00 | Alwayshopping |
03-Aug-2024 7:45:36 AM | $51.00 | Shearstar |
03-Aug-2024 7:45:35 AM | $50.00 | ALikelyStory |
02-Aug-2024 4:25:07 PM | $41.00 | Shearstar |
02-Aug-2024 4:25:07 PM | $40.00 | guysomething |
02-Aug-2024 4:25:01 PM | $31.00 | Shearstar |
02-Aug-2024 4:25:01 PM | $30.00 | guysomething |
29-Jul-2024 10:06:05 PM | $21.00 | Shearstar |
29-Jul-2024 10:27:24 AM | $11.00 | ModineFarm |
29-Jul-2024 10:27:24 AM | $10.00 | Pius |
29-Jul-2024 9:45:48 AM | $6.00 | ModineFarm |
29-Jul-2024 8:58:18 AM | $5.00 | barracuda |