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Lot # 56 - Elegant Brass Avian Sculpture Ensemble: Cranes and Quail Family
Opening Bid : | $ 5.00 |
Pickup Instructions: | You are Bidding in Spanaway. Location will be provided the morning of pickup. |
Start Date/Time: | 22-Aug-2024 7:00:00 AM |
End Date/Time: | 03-Sep-2024 7:55:00 PM |
Current bid: |
$48.00 |
Highest bidder: | Zman |
Auction has ended |
Description :
They are made entirely of brass, giving them an elegant and timeless appearance. The cranes have elongated necks and legs, with one standing tall and the other bending forward. The quail family features detailed feather textures, with one larger quail and two smaller ones, likely chicks. The sculptures have a polished finish and show some patina, suggesting a bit of age or exposure to the elements.
Auction History
Highest bidder is Zman
Date | Bid | User |
03-Sep-2024 6:50:17 PM | $48.00 | Zman |
03-Sep-2024 6:50:07 PM | $46.00 | Silversee |
03-Sep-2024 6:50:07 PM | $45.00 | Zman |
03-Sep-2024 3:38:33 PM | $41.00 | Silversee |
03-Sep-2024 3:38:33 PM | $40.00 | Cheeto1803 |
03-Sep-2024 3:37:40 PM | $36.00 | Silversee |
03-Sep-2024 3:37:40 PM | $35.00 | Cheeto1803 |
25-Aug-2024 4:50:58 PM | $31.00 | Silversee |
24-Aug-2024 5:40:10 PM | $26.00 | Seattle79 |
24-Aug-2024 5:40:10 PM | $25.00 | CO love |
22-Aug-2024 9:14:52 AM | $5.00 | Seattle79 |