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Lot # 45 - Vintage Mid Century Lane Cedar Chest
Opening Bid : | $ 5.00 |
Pickup Instructions: | |
Start Date/Time: | 09-Oct-2024 7:00:00 AM |
End Date/Time: | 16-Oct-2024 7:44:00 PM |
Current bid: |
$155.00 |
Highest bidder: | Northwestern |
Auction has ended |
Description :
Vintage Mid Century Lane Cedar Chest
Sides and top of wood have scratches, scuffs and staining from use, but is in generally good condition.
Internal upper shelf is breaking and needs repair. See photos.
Drawer lining has some staining and chips.
Dimensions : 43.5 in L x 17.75 in W x 24.5 in H
Auction History
Highest bidder is Northwestern
Date | Bid | User |
16-Oct-2024 11:15:00 AM | $155.00 | Northwestern |
16-Oct-2024 11:14:46 AM | $130.00 | Jmcgowan888 |
16-Oct-2024 11:14:45 AM | $125.00 | Northwestern |
16-Oct-2024 11:14:36 AM | $106.00 | Jmcgowan888 |
16-Oct-2024 11:14:36 AM | $101.00 | Northwestern |
15-Oct-2024 5:17:34 PM | $58.00 | Jmcgowan888 |
15-Oct-2024 5:17:34 PM | $57.00 | Genesis737 |
13-Oct-2024 3:54:08 AM | $56.00 | Jmcgowan888 |
12-Oct-2024 12:00:34 PM | $51.00 | msshaw60 |
12-Oct-2024 12:00:34 PM | $50.00 | MyyP |
12-Oct-2024 12:00:27 PM | $41.00 | msshaw60 |
12-Oct-2024 12:00:27 PM | $40.00 | MyyP |
12-Oct-2024 12:00:21 PM | $31.00 | msshaw60 |
12-Oct-2024 12:00:21 PM | $30.00 | MyyP |
11-Oct-2024 9:17:25 PM | $21.00 | msshaw60 |
11-Oct-2024 10:40:01 AM | $20.00 | MyyP |
11-Oct-2024 10:40:01 AM | $20.00 | Rmq |
11-Oct-2024 12:37:01 AM | $8.00 | MyyP |
10-Oct-2024 12:35:09 AM | $6.00 | UPIK |
09-Oct-2024 8:51:02 AM | $5.00 | Jp26 |