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Lot # 4 - L’archet French Bow Books Four Volumes 2000 - Great Condition!
Opening Bid : | $ 5.00 |
Pickup Instructions: | |
Start Date/Time: | 18-Feb-2025 7:00:00 AM |
End Date/Time: | 25-Feb-2025 7:05:00 PM |
Current bid: |
$360.00 |
Highest bidder: | akajoey |
Auction has ended |
Description :
L’archet French Bow Books Four Volumes 2000 - Great Condition!
Complete set of L’archet French Bow books, four volumes from 2000, in great condition. This rare collection appears to have been seldom used, preserving its original charm. Measuring 12 5/8 x 10 inches, these books are a magnificent addition to any library. In honor of the family’s wishes, the opening bid is set at $...."
Auction History
Highest bidder is akajoey
Date | Bid | User |
25-Feb-2025 7:02:13 PM | $360.00 | akajoey |
25-Feb-2025 7:02:00 PM | $350.00 | hjfrey |
25-Feb-2025 6:59:51 PM | $345.00 | akajoey |
25-Feb-2025 6:59:50 PM | $345.00 | Lucky1 |
25-Feb-2025 6:59:43 PM | $305.00 | akajoey |
25-Feb-2025 6:59:43 PM | $300.00 | hjfrey |
25-Feb-2025 6:59:06 PM | $266.00 | akajoey |
25-Feb-2025 6:58:45 PM | $238.00 | Lucky1 |
25-Feb-2025 6:58:45 PM | $233.00 | akajoey |
25-Feb-2025 6:58:33 PM | $206.00 | Lucky1 |
25-Feb-2025 6:58:33 PM | $201.00 | hjfrey |
25-Feb-2025 6:54:54 PM | $164.00 | Lucky1 |
25-Feb-2025 6:54:54 PM | $159.00 | mm12941 |
25-Feb-2025 6:54:31 PM | $142.00 | Lucky1 |
25-Feb-2025 6:54:31 PM | $137.00 | mm12941 |
25-Feb-2025 6:54:05 PM | $132.00 | Lucky1 |
25-Feb-2025 6:54:05 PM | $127.00 | mm12941 |
25-Feb-2025 5:39:03 PM | $78.00 | Lucky1 |
25-Feb-2025 8:15:57 AM | $61.00 | mm12941 |
21-Feb-2025 11:30:41 AM | $59.00 | Lucky1 |
21-Feb-2025 10:47:07 AM | $49.00 | DAGoodwin |
21-Feb-2025 10:46:53 AM | $48.00 | Lucky1 |
21-Feb-2025 10:46:53 AM | $47.00 | DAGoodwin |
19-Feb-2025 6:38:04 PM | $26.00 | Lucky1 |
19-Feb-2025 6:37:44 PM | $19.00 | Sauge |
19-Feb-2025 6:37:44 PM | $18.00 | Lucky1 |
19-Feb-2025 1:47:22 PM | $6.00 | Sauge |
19-Feb-2025 8:17:39 AM | $5.00 | Lucky1 |