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Lot # 7 - Vintage "Cowboy" by Frederic Remington.
Opening Bid : | $ 5.00 |
Pickup Instructions: | |
Start Date/Time: | 19-Mar-2025 7:00:00 AM |
End Date/Time: | 26-Mar-2025 7:06:00 PM |
Current bid: |
$72.00 |
Highest bidder: | jld4u2 |
This sale will end in: | |
Bid for this item ! |
Description :
The image shows a bronze sculpture titled "Cowboy" by Frederic Remington. Key details about the artwork and the artist are:
Frederic Remington (1861-1909) was an American artist known for depicting the Old West.
He was a painter, illustrator, sculptor, and writer.
"Cowboy" is a bronze sculpture portraying a cowboy on horseback.
Remington created the sculpture using the lost-wax casting process.
His sculptures, including "Bronco Buster," were sold through Tiffany's in New York.
Dimensions : 9" in D
Auction History
Highest bidder is jld4u2
Date | Bid | User |
20-Mar-2025 4:36:02 PM | $72.00 | jld4u2 |
20-Mar-2025 4:36:02 PM | $71.00 | BD71 |
20-Mar-2025 4:35:44 PM | $66.00 | jld4u2 |
20-Mar-2025 4:35:44 PM | $65.00 | BD71 |
20-Mar-2025 4:35:36 PM | $61.00 | jld4u2 |
20-Mar-2025 4:35:36 PM | $60.00 | BD71 |
20-Mar-2025 4:35:00 PM | $52.00 | jld4u2 |
20-Mar-2025 4:35:00 PM | $51.00 | BD71 |
20-Mar-2025 4:34:18 PM | $28.00 | jld4u2 |
20-Mar-2025 4:34:18 PM | $27.00 | BD71 |
19-Mar-2025 9:57:52 AM | $5.00 | jld4u2 |