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Lot # 99 - Gorgeous Statues/Sculptures of 2 Long-legged Birds, Yard Art-Metal
Opening Bid : | $ 5.00 |
Pickup Instructions: | |
Start Date/Time: | 19-Mar-2025 7:00:00 AM |
End Date/Time: | 26-Mar-2025 8:38:00 PM |
Current bid: |
$22.00 |
Highest bidder: | WizVic |
This sale will end in: | |
Bid for this item ! |
Description :
Really gorgeous statues/sculptures of 2 long-legged birds, likely a stork, heron, or egret. These birds share similar physical characteristics and are often mistaken for one another.
Such statues are often used for outdoor garden decoration.
29" & 32"Tall
These two do need a good bath.
Auction History
Highest bidder is WizVic
Date | Bid | User |
20-Mar-2025 2:49:01 PM | $22.00 | WizVic |
20-Mar-2025 2:48:42 PM | $21.00 | CorgiFluffyButt |
20-Mar-2025 2:48:42 PM | $20.00 | WizVic |
20-Mar-2025 2:45:26 PM | $11.00 | CorgiFluffyButt |
19-Mar-2025 8:46:51 PM | $9.00 | WizVic |
19-Mar-2025 8:17:30 AM | $6.00 | VEGAS53 |
19-Mar-2025 7:58:30 AM | $5.00 | bimbo |