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Lot # 107 - 6' Tall Vintage Wood Carving of Jesus
Opening Bid : | $ 5.00 |
Pickup Instructions: | |
Start Date/Time: | 19-Mar-2025 7:00:00 AM |
End Date/Time: | 26-Mar-2025 8:46:00 PM |
Current bid: |
0 |
Highest bidder: | -- |
This sale will end in: | |
Bid for this item ! |
Description :
Vintage wood carving of Jesus.
It is a relief carving, meaning the figure is raised from the background.
The style is simple and stylized, typical of some religious art.
The wood appears to be stained or finished, giving it a warm tone.
It could have been a wall hanging or part of a larger piece.
The age of the carving is unknown, but it's described as vintage.
The origin or maker of the carving is also unknown.
The carving depicts Jesus with a banner featuring a cross.
And as you can see, it's been split in half and needs some TLC
Dimensions : 15" in W x 73" in H x 2 1/2" in D