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Lot # 127 - Japanese Cement Pagoda- 13" Tall x 13" W
Opening Bid : | $ 5.00 |
Pickup Instructions: | |
Start Date/Time: | 19-Mar-2025 7:00:00 AM |
End Date/Time: | 26-Mar-2025 9:06:00 PM |
Current bid: |
$22.00 |
Highest bidder: | YourRoyalBidness |
This sale will end in: | |
Bid for this item ! |
Description :
Japanese Cement Pagoda- 13" Tall x 13" W
The object in the image is a Japanese stone lantern, also known as a tōrō. These lanterns have a rich history and cultural significance:
Originally used as votive lights in Buddhist temples in China during the Han dynasty (202 BCE-220 CE).
Introduced to Japan, where they became a symbol of good luck and happiness.
In the 16th century, tea masters incorporated them into tea gardens for lighting and rustic beauty.
Today, they are used ornamentally in Japanese gardens to light paths, near water features, or close to buildings.
They can be made of stone, bronze, iron, wood, or other heavy materials.
*Please notice the cracks on the baseAuction History
Highest bidder is YourRoyalBidness
Date | Bid | User |
21-Mar-2025 2:30:33 PM | $22.00 | YourRoyalBidness |
21-Mar-2025 2:30:18 PM | $21.00 | OldManPopz |
21-Mar-2025 2:30:17 PM | $20.00 | YourRoyalBidness |
20-Mar-2025 10:06:41 PM | $13.00 | OldManPopz |
20-Mar-2025 10:06:41 PM | $12.00 | zbar |
19-Mar-2025 11:09:57 AM | $11.00 | OldManPopz |
19-Mar-2025 11:09:50 AM | $10.00 | Zo |
19-Mar-2025 11:09:50 AM | $10.00 | OldManPopz |
19-Mar-2025 9:33:14 AM | $5.00 | Zo |