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Lot # 131 - Vintage Kelley Bluebooks for Older Cars and....
Opening Bid : | $ 5.00 |
Pickup Instructions: | |
Start Date/Time: | 19-Mar-2025 7:00:00 AM |
End Date/Time: | 26-Mar-2025 9:10:00 PM |
Current bid: |
0 |
Highest bidder: | -- |
This sale will end in: | |
Bid for this item ! |
Description :
This image features a collection of Kelley Blue Book older car guides and early model car guides spanning from April-June 1981 to January-April 1996.
And a collection of CPI Value Guide to Cars of Particular Interest," a publication used for appraising classic and collectible cars. Key details include:
Purpose: Provides estimated values for domestic and imported cars of interest.
Timeframe: Covers the period of January, February, and March 1981.
Content: Likely includes pricing information and specifications to help determine a car's worth.
Use: Intended for enthusiasts, collectors, and buyers/sellers in the classic car market.
Relevance: Offers a snapshot of car values from that specific time, useful for historical comparison.
Alternative: Modern equivalents include guides like Kelley Blue Book or online