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Lot # 162 - Airpath MS17983-2 vintage aircraft magnetic compass
Opening Bid : | $ 5.00 |
Pickup Instructions: | |
Start Date/Time: | 19-Mar-2025 7:00:00 AM |
End Date/Time: | 26-Mar-2025 9:41:00 PM |
Current bid: |
$8.00 |
Highest bidder: | BD71 |
This sale will end in: | |
Bid for this item ! |
Description :
The device shown is an Airpath MS17983-2 vintage aircraft magnetic compass. Here are some key details:
Function: It's a magnetic compass used for navigation in aircraft.
Markings: The face displays markings from 21 to 24 and the letter "S," indicating south.
Vintage: It is a vintage piece, likely from the mid-20th century, given similar models from the 1950s and 1970s.
Usage: It helps pilots determine their heading relative to magnetic north.
Calibration: Aircraft compasses need calibration to correct for errors caused by the aircraft's metal and electrical systems.
Mounting: This compass is designed for panel mounting in the cockpitAuction History
Highest bidder is BD71
Date | Bid | User |
20-Mar-2025 4:53:21 PM | $8.00 | BD71 |
19-Mar-2025 3:07:06 PM | $7.00 | Cottage8032 |
19-Mar-2025 3:07:06 PM | $6.00 | Smitty |
19-Mar-2025 12:20:10 PM | $5.00 | Cottage8032 |