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Lot # 17 - Vintage Green Glass & Modernist Glass Vase
Opening Bid : | $ 5.00 |
Pickup Instructions: | 3/1/2025 |
Start Date/Time: | 17-Feb-2025 7:00:00 AM |
End Date/Time: | 24-Feb-2025 7:16:00 PM |
Current bid: |
$6.00 |
Highest bidder: | olydust |
Auction has ended |
Description :
Vintage Green Glass Vanity Set & Modernist Glass Photo Frame.
Lidded Candy-7T x 5W
Tallest-9.5" Tall
Smallest-6" Tall
This stunning vintage glass collection features an avocado green round candy dish with a pointed lid, an emerald green optic flower vase, and a sleek glass photo frame.
The candy dish boasts a rich avocado green hue with an intricate cut-glass pattern and a tall pointed lid, making it a standout decorative or functional piece. The emerald green optic vase features a flared top and textured glass design, perfect for displaying flowers or adding a pop of color to any space. Completing the set is a modernist glass photo frame with a marble base, offering a clean, minimal aesthetic that pairs well with both vintage and contemporary decor.
Auction History
Highest bidder is olydust
Date | Bid | User |
24-Feb-2025 7:08:39 PM | $6.00 | olydust |
24-Feb-2025 4:46:29 PM | $5.00 | Pomp + Sway |