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Lot # 77 - Games, Games, Games - Modern & Vintage
Opening Bid : | $ 5.00 |
Pickup Instructions: | Pickups will be on Saturday January 27th, 10am - 3pm |
Start Date/Time: | 18-Jan-2024 7:00:00 AM |
End Date/Time: | 24-Jan-2024 8:24:00 PM |
Current bid: |
$160.00 |
Highest bidder: | coucher85 |
Auction has ended |
Description :
Jackpot for any vintage game lover! A loaded closet of vintage board games and games, sport balls, poker chips, dartboard/darts, and more! See photos. Must take ALL contents of the closet!
Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Robots are from the 2000s
Auction History
Highest bidder is coucher85
Date | Bid | User |
24-Jan-2024 8:21:48 PM | $160.00 | coucher85 |
24-Jan-2024 8:21:48 PM | $155.00 | Pbarry |
24-Jan-2024 8:19:57 PM | $150.00 | coucher85 |
24-Jan-2024 8:19:57 PM | $145.00 | Pbarry |
24-Jan-2024 8:17:49 PM | $140.00 | coucher85 |
24-Jan-2024 8:17:20 PM | $135.00 | Javadepot |
24-Jan-2024 8:17:19 PM | $135.00 | Tom2T84 |
24-Jan-2024 8:16:36 PM | $130.00 | Javadepot |
24-Jan-2024 8:16:00 PM | $106.00 | coucher85 |
24-Jan-2024 8:15:43 PM | $101.00 | Tom2T84 |
24-Jan-2024 8:15:42 PM | $100.00 | coucher85 |
24-Jan-2024 8:15:40 PM | $89.00 | Tom2T84 |
24-Jan-2024 8:14:42 PM | $82.00 | howard26 |
24-Jan-2024 8:14:42 PM | $81.00 | Tom2T84 |
24-Jan-2024 8:12:30 PM | $76.00 | howard26 |
24-Jan-2024 8:11:10 PM | $64.00 | Javadepot |
24-Jan-2024 8:11:09 PM | $63.00 | coucher85 |
24-Jan-2024 7:42:12 PM | $62.00 | Javadepot |
24-Jan-2024 3:02:39 PM | $61.00 | Koalakai2020 |
23-Jan-2024 10:25:56 PM | $56.00 | emf34 |
20-Jan-2024 7:52:04 PM | $51.00 | Raypaul |
20-Jan-2024 7:51:55 PM | $50.00 | Seattle79 |
20-Jan-2024 7:51:55 PM | $50.00 | Raypaul |
20-Jan-2024 7:51:48 PM | $46.00 | Seattle79 |
20-Jan-2024 7:51:47 PM | $45.00 | Raypaul |
20-Jan-2024 7:51:40 PM | $36.00 | Seattle79 |
20-Jan-2024 7:51:40 PM | $35.00 | Raypaul |
19-Jan-2024 11:54:39 AM | $20.00 | Seattle79 |
19-Jan-2024 11:54:38 AM | $19.00 | JoJohn |
19-Jan-2024 11:54:21 AM | $18.00 | Seattle79 |
19-Jan-2024 11:54:20 AM | $17.00 | JoJohn |
18-Jan-2024 11:46:35 AM | $13.00 | Seattle79 |
18-Jan-2024 11:46:34 AM | $12.00 | zetast |
18-Jan-2024 7:18:16 AM | $5.00 | Seattle79 |