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Lot # 120 - Miniature Dollhouse Room Scene: Outdoor Scape
Opening Bid : | $ 5.00 |
Pickup Instructions: | Pickups will be on Saturday January 27th, 10am - 3pm |
Start Date/Time: | 18-Jan-2024 7:00:00 AM |
End Date/Time: | 24-Jan-2024 8:59:00 PM |
Current bid: |
$16.00 |
Highest bidder: | StudioDetails |
Auction has ended |
Description :
Miniature Dollhouse Room Scene: Outdoor Scape
Comes apart to be re-built in new home/shelving unit in entirety or use pieces. Includes floor board and backdrop.
Measures 26" Wide x 12" tall
Furnishings/accessories include:
Wooden fairy gnome door
Asian chimes and gong
Bamboo chairs, table and chest of drawers
Vintage Japanese miniature Dragon Ware Pitcher
Vintage Asian glazed ceramic pagoda
Auction History
Highest bidder is StudioDetails
Date | Bid | User |
24-Jan-2024 5:22:34 PM | $16.00 | StudioDetails |
24-Jan-2024 5:18:13 PM | $13.00 | Gordonoliver27 |
24-Jan-2024 5:18:13 PM | $12.00 | Pacwing |
20-Jan-2024 10:32:26 PM | $11.00 | Gordonoliver27 |
20-Jan-2024 10:32:15 PM | $10.00 | Ssbethea |
20-Jan-2024 10:32:14 PM | $10.00 | Gordonoliver27 |
19-Jan-2024 5:46:24 AM | $5.00 | Ssbethea |