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Lot # 23 - Vintage MEGO 1979 Star Trek The Motion Picture 12inch SPOCK
Opening Bid : | $ 5.00 |
Pickup Instructions: | |
Start Date/Time: | 15-Feb-2024 7:00:00 AM |
End Date/Time: | 22-Feb-2024 7:22:00 PM |
Current bid: |
$46.00 |
Highest bidder: | RprEnt |
Auction has ended |
Description :
Vintage MEGO 1979 Star Trek The Motion Picture 12inch SPOCK
Original box/box stands 13” tall
Never Displayed. Has been in deep storage for over many years. Colors and Paint are Excellent. No sun fading or damage. These are impossible to find in this condition.
Auction History
Highest bidder is RprEnt
Date | Bid | User |
22-Feb-2024 7:11:52 PM | $46.00 | RprEnt |
22-Feb-2024 7:09:56 PM | $42.00 | Gaddzook |
22-Feb-2024 7:09:39 PM | $41.00 | RprEnt |
22-Feb-2024 7:09:38 PM | $40.00 | Gaddzook |
22-Feb-2024 6:51:23 PM | $36.00 | RprEnt |
22-Feb-2024 3:26:04 PM | $35.00 | Jeremy Aldana |
22-Feb-2024 3:26:03 PM | $35.00 | Picard47 |
17-Feb-2024 9:28:51 AM | $26.00 | Jeremy Aldana |
16-Feb-2024 6:45:31 AM | $25.00 | Astronut |
16-Feb-2024 6:45:31 AM | $25.00 | Auzzie |
16-Feb-2024 6:45:22 AM | $21.00 | Astronut |
16-Feb-2024 6:45:21 AM | $20.00 | Auzzie |
16-Feb-2024 6:45:12 AM | $16.00 | Astronut |
16-Feb-2024 6:45:12 AM | $15.00 | Auzzie |
16-Feb-2024 6:45:02 AM | $11.00 | Astronut |
16-Feb-2024 6:45:01 AM | $10.00 | Auzzie |
15-Feb-2024 11:54:43 AM | $5.00 | Astronut |