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Lot # 29 - Hot Wheels Flying Colors Show Hoss II
Opening Bid : | $ 5.00 |
Pickup Instructions: | |
Start Date/Time: | 15-Feb-2024 7:00:00 AM |
End Date/Time: | 22-Feb-2024 7:28:00 PM |
Current bid: |
$88.00 |
Highest bidder: | RprEnt |
Auction has ended |
Description :
Hot Wheels Flying Colors Show Hoss II
**Considering their age, items could have small imperfections on the cards such as soft corners or small creases on the cardboard, or cracked or discolored blister. Cardboard is not in mint condition, however cars are.
Auction History
Highest bidder is RprEnt
Date | Bid | User |
22-Feb-2024 7:10:22 PM | $88.00 | RprEnt |
22-Feb-2024 7:10:22 PM | $87.00 | Lumbergx29 |
22-Feb-2024 7:09:53 PM | $86.00 | RprEnt |
22-Feb-2024 7:09:52 PM | $85.00 | Lumbergx29 |
22-Feb-2024 6:46:39 PM | $83.00 | RprEnt |
22-Feb-2024 6:46:39 PM | $82.00 | A. |
22-Feb-2024 6:46:32 PM | $81.00 | RprEnt |
22-Feb-2024 6:46:32 PM | $80.00 | A. |
22-Feb-2024 6:46:22 PM | $79.00 | RprEnt |
22-Feb-2024 6:46:22 PM | $78.00 | A. |
22-Feb-2024 6:45:49 PM | $77.00 | RprEnt |
22-Feb-2024 6:45:48 PM | $76.00 | A. |
22-Feb-2024 6:45:41 PM | $75.00 | RprEnt |
22-Feb-2024 6:45:41 PM | $74.00 | A. |
22-Feb-2024 6:45:24 PM | $73.00 | RprEnt |
22-Feb-2024 6:45:24 PM | $72.00 | A. |
22-Feb-2024 6:45:16 PM | $71.00 | RprEnt |
22-Feb-2024 6:45:16 PM | $70.00 | A. |
22-Feb-2024 6:45:06 PM | $69.00 | RprEnt |
22-Feb-2024 6:45:06 PM | $68.00 | A. |
22-Feb-2024 6:22:20 PM | $67.00 | RprEnt |
22-Feb-2024 5:14:16 PM | $61.00 | A. |
22-Feb-2024 5:14:05 PM | $60.00 | eligrba |
22-Feb-2024 5:14:04 PM | $60.00 | A. |
22-Feb-2024 5:13:56 PM | $59.00 | eligrba |
22-Feb-2024 5:13:55 PM | $58.00 | A. |
22-Feb-2024 5:13:46 PM | $57.00 | eligrba |
22-Feb-2024 5:13:45 PM | $56.00 | A. |
22-Feb-2024 5:13:25 PM | $55.00 | eligrba |
22-Feb-2024 5:13:24 PM | $54.00 | A. |
22-Feb-2024 5:13:11 PM | $53.00 | eligrba |
22-Feb-2024 5:13:11 PM | $52.00 | A. |
22-Feb-2024 12:38:33 PM | $51.00 | eligrba |
21-Feb-2024 5:15:43 AM | $31.00 | GDOGG1138 |
21-Feb-2024 5:15:42 AM | $30.00 | Sublime |
19-Feb-2024 1:11:42 PM | $23.00 | GDOGG1138 |
19-Feb-2024 1:11:42 PM | $22.00 | Terpfan61 |
15-Feb-2024 10:38:47 PM | $21.00 | GDOGG1138 |
15-Feb-2024 9:45:28 AM | $5.00 | Coop71 |