Lot # 193 - SEALED MPC Star Wars Return of The Jedi Speeder Bike & X-Wing Fighter Kits

Opening Bid : $ 5.00
Pickup Instructions:
Start Date/Time: 29-Feb-2024 7:00:00 AM
End Date/Time: 07-Mar-2024 10:12:00 PM
Current bid:


Highest bidder:


Auction has ended

Description :

Vintage 1983 

SEALED MPC Star Wars Return of The Jedi Speeder Bike & X-Wing Fighter Kits

Plastic seal on Speeder Bike is broken on one side, but still never opened.

Auction History

Highest bidder is uwlax29

Date Bid User
06-Mar-2024 10:53:18 AM $31.00 uwlax29
05-Mar-2024 8:57:12 PM $27.00 Fatkid
03-Mar-2024 6:35:22 PM $22.00 GDOGG1138
03-Mar-2024 6:35:21 PM $21.00 Tom2T84
29-Feb-2024 1:56:43 PM $11.00 GDOGG1138
29-Feb-2024 12:07:49 PM $9.00 Llapman68
29-Feb-2024 9:31:32 AM $5.00 howard26

2025 Sound Estate LLC