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Lot # 22 - Large Black Glazed Terracotta Outdoor Pot 24"x23"
Opening Bid : | $ 5.00 |
Pickup Instructions: | You are bidding in Stanwood. Pickups will be Saturday, June 15th, 10:30am - 2:30pm |
Start Date/Time: | 04-Jun-2024 7:00:00 AM |
End Date/Time: | 11-Jun-2024 7:35:00 PM |
Current bid: |
$46.00 |
Highest bidder: | LesaB |
Auction has ended |
Description :
Vintage large black glazed outdoor terracotta planter/pot, measuring 24" diameter x 23" tall. Appears to have exterior glaze crack on the bottom, but does not go through.
Bidding on this lot is an agreement that: (1.) You will have 2 capable, able bodied persons to lift and load at a minimum. (2.) You will bring a hand truck and/or any other tools needed to remove this item. If these steps are not followed your item will be forfeit and no refund given.
Note* Item is located on outside deck with a few outside stairs leading to a 20 degree steep driveway. Parking at the top of the driveway where it is flatter will make it easier for you to load.
Auction History
Highest bidder is LesaB
Date | Bid | User |
11-Jun-2024 7:32:16 PM | $46.00 | LesaB |
11-Jun-2024 7:30:55 PM | $45.00 | Sew1986 |
11-Jun-2024 7:28:53 PM | $44.00 | LesaB |
11-Jun-2024 7:28:53 PM | $44.00 | Sew1986 |
11-Jun-2024 7:26:57 PM | $43.00 | LesaB |
11-Jun-2024 7:26:57 PM | $42.00 | Sew1986 |
11-Jun-2024 7:24:54 PM | $39.00 | LesaB |
11-Jun-2024 7:24:54 PM | $38.00 | Sew1986 |
11-Jun-2024 7:21:46 PM | $36.00 | LesaB |
11-Jun-2024 7:20:57 PM | $34.00 | Sew1986 |
08-Jun-2024 7:37:04 AM | $30.00 | LesaB |
08-Jun-2024 7:37:04 AM | $29.00 | High88tide |
07-Jun-2024 6:06:56 PM | $21.00 | LesaB |
07-Jun-2024 6:06:56 PM | $20.00 | MrsMacavity |
06-Jun-2024 10:54:22 PM | $18.00 | LesaB |
06-Jun-2024 10:54:22 PM | $17.00 | msshaw60 |
06-Jun-2024 7:51:31 PM | $11.00 | LesaB |
04-Jun-2024 11:22:31 AM | $5.00 | Mr.clock |