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Lot # 5 - Antique Korean Tansu Two Pc Blanket Cabinet-Brass Butterfly Hardware
Opening Bid : | $ 5.00 |
Pickup Instructions: | You are bidding in Stanwood. Pickups will be Saturday, June 15th, 10:30am - 2:30pm |
Start Date/Time: | 04-Jun-2024 7:00:00 AM |
End Date/Time: | 11-Jun-2024 7:04:00 PM |
Current bid: |
$255.00 |
Highest bidder: | Rebel |
Auction has ended |
Description :
Stunning, antique Asian two piece blanket cabinet - top is 26.5" tall, bottom piece is 33" tall. Overall measurements 39" long x 59.5" tall x 18" deep. Top piece has four small drawers with brass pulls and main opening for storage. Bottom piece has one main opening for storage. Decorative brass butterfly hardware. Uniquely constructed with no nails but rather with bamboo pegs. This two piece design makes it easier o move.
Bidding on this lot is an agreement that: (1.) You will have 2 capable, able bodied persons to lift and load at a minimum. (2.) You will bring a hand truck and/or any other tools needed to remove this item. If these steps are not followed your item will be forfeit and no refund given.
*Note* Item is located on main floor with two stairs to get to the door and few outside stairs leading to a 20 degree steep driveway. Parking at the top of the driveway where it is flatter will make it easier for you to load.
Auction History
Highest bidder is Rebel
Date | Bid | User |
11-Jun-2024 6:51:50 PM | $255.00 | Rebel |
11-Jun-2024 6:51:50 PM | $250.00 | EmiGJA23 |
10-Jun-2024 8:01:50 PM | $210.00 | Rebel |
10-Jun-2024 7:56:59 PM | $200.00 | EmiGJA23 |
10-Jun-2024 7:56:48 PM | $180.00 | Rebel |
10-Jun-2024 7:56:47 PM | $175.00 | EmiGJA23 |
10-Jun-2024 7:56:38 PM | $155.00 | Rebel |
10-Jun-2024 7:56:38 PM | $150.00 | EmiGJA23 |
10-Jun-2024 10:01:44 AM | $125.00 | Rebel |
10-Jun-2024 10:01:44 AM | $120.00 | EmiGJA23 |
10-Jun-2024 9:55:57 AM | $115.00 | Rebel |
10-Jun-2024 9:55:56 AM | $110.00 | EmiGJA23 |
10-Jun-2024 8:22:34 AM | $101.00 | Rebel |
09-Jun-2024 5:13:06 PM | $53.00 | Paslejour |
09-Jun-2024 5:13:06 PM | $52.00 | EmiGJA23 |
09-Jun-2024 5:11:35 PM | $51.00 | Paslejour |
09-Jun-2024 5:11:34 PM | $50.00 | EmiGJA23 |
09-Jun-2024 5:11:10 PM | $41.00 | Paslejour |
09-Jun-2024 5:11:10 PM | $40.00 | EmiGJA23 |
09-Jun-2024 1:35:35 PM | $36.00 | Paslejour |
06-Jun-2024 10:48:03 PM | $34.00 | msshaw60 |
06-Jun-2024 7:39:40 PM | $21.00 | LesaB |
04-Jun-2024 5:55:12 PM | $13.00 | Rmq |
04-Jun-2024 5:55:12 PM | $12.00 | rod |
04-Jun-2024 7:30:08 AM | $5.00 | Rmq |