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Lot # 27 - Zuni Pastel Fetish Necklace with Sterling Silver Clasp Necklace
Opening Bid : | $ 5.00 |
Pickup Instructions: | Pick up will be 3 August from 10:00am to 4:00pm. Sale dates and pick-up dates are listed at the beginning of all sales. Please coordinate or plan to have your items picked up on the scheduled pick-up date. Requests for alternate pick-up must be coordinated with Heidi at 253-381-8717. Reserve your pick-up time through the Signup Genius link. Please signup using your name listed on your invoice. There will be no alternate pick-up at this location AFTER Saturday, 3 August 2024. |
Start Date/Time: | 23-Jul-2024 7:00:00 AM |
End Date/Time: | 30-Jul-2024 6:26:00 PM |
Current bid: |
$53.00 |
Highest bidder: | HFVRed |
Auction has ended |
Description :
Three strand necklace is 12in long when clasped. Pastel, mother of pearl bird charms. Shell or quill beads. Excellent condition and quality. Sterling silver clasp.
Dimensions : 12 in L
Auction History
Highest bidder is HFVRed
Date | Bid | User |
30-Jul-2024 5:54:53 PM | $53.00 | HFVRed |
30-Jul-2024 5:05:07 PM | $52.00 | Heythere |
30-Jul-2024 5:05:07 PM | $52.00 | HFVRed |
30-Jul-2024 3:14:48 PM | $47.00 | Heythere |
30-Jul-2024 10:48:54 AM | $41.00 | Splinter |
28-Jul-2024 9:00:19 PM | $31.00 | HFVRed |
28-Jul-2024 8:59:48 PM | $30.00 | RnJenny |
28-Jul-2024 8:59:48 PM | $29.00 | HFVRed |
28-Jul-2024 8:29:21 PM | $28.00 | RnJenny |
28-Jul-2024 5:47:56 PM | $26.00 | BAW |
28-Jul-2024 5:47:47 PM | $25.00 | RnJenny |
28-Jul-2024 5:47:46 PM | $25.00 | BAW |
28-Jul-2024 7:15:17 AM | $21.00 | RnJenny |
28-Jul-2024 7:15:09 AM | $20.00 | BAW |
28-Jul-2024 7:15:09 AM | $20.00 | RnJenny |
28-Jul-2024 7:15:01 AM | $16.00 | BAW |
28-Jul-2024 7:15:01 AM | $15.00 | RnJenny |
27-Jul-2024 4:58:39 PM | $13.00 | BAW |
27-Jul-2024 4:26:14 AM | $11.00 | RnJenny |
23-Jul-2024 6:03:26 PM | $9.00 | Art |
23-Jul-2024 6:03:26 PM | $8.00 | bears_mom |
23-Jul-2024 10:32:27 AM | $7.00 | Art |
23-Jul-2024 10:32:27 AM | $6.00 | bbagwell |
23-Jul-2024 9:02:07 AM | $5.00 | Art |