Lot # 113 - Vintage Metal Corner Rack

Opening Bid : $ 5.00
Pickup Instructions: Pick up will be 3 August from 10:00am to 4:00pm. Sale dates and pick-up dates are listed at the beginning of all sales. Please coordinate or plan to have your items picked up on the scheduled pick-up date. Requests for alternate pick-up must be coordinated with Heidi at 253-381-8717. Reserve your pick-up time through the Signup Genius link. Please signup using your name listed on your invoice. There will be no alternate pick-up at this location AFTER Saturday, 3 August 2024.
Start Date/Time: 23-Jul-2024 7:00:00 AM
End Date/Time: 30-Jul-2024 8:04:00 PM
Current bid:


Highest bidder:


Auction has ended

Description :

Dimensions are 14 inches wide, 19 inches long, 68.5 inches tall. Wrought iron with brass accents. Four shelves.

Auction History

Highest bidder is Sew1986

Date Bid User
30-Jul-2024 7:59:59 PM $87.00 Sew1986
30-Jul-2024 7:59:59 PM $86.00 carolbee1
30-Jul-2024 7:58:00 PM $79.00 Sew1986
30-Jul-2024 7:55:44 PM $78.00 carolbee1
30-Jul-2024 7:53:59 PM $67.00 Sew1986
30-Jul-2024 7:50:35 PM $49.00 carolbee1
30-Jul-2024 5:37:20 PM $44.00 ELaine
30-Jul-2024 5:37:00 PM $43.00 Rooster
30-Jul-2024 5:37:00 PM $42.00 ELaine
30-Jul-2024 5:30:22 PM $39.00 Rooster
30-Jul-2024 3:42:57 PM $30.00 ELaine
30-Jul-2024 3:42:57 PM $29.00 Harley
30-Jul-2024 3:42:14 PM $28.00 ELaine
30-Jul-2024 3:42:14 PM $27.00 Harley
30-Jul-2024 8:56:28 AM $26.00 ELaine
29-Jul-2024 9:56:55 PM $23.00 Shearstar
29-Jul-2024 8:41:56 PM $11.00 MorningLorri
29-Jul-2024 11:54:53 AM $9.00 Teresa
28-Jul-2024 10:15:53 PM $6.00 Harley
23-Jul-2024 11:06:16 AM $5.00 bbagwell

2025 Sound Estate LLC