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Lot # 35 - 14K Gold Multicolor 5-Strand Pearl Necklace
Opening Bid : | $ 5.00 |
Pickup Instructions: | |
Start Date/Time: | 18-Feb-2025 7:00:00 AM |
End Date/Time: | 25-Feb-2025 7:34:00 PM |
Current bid: |
$47.00 |
Highest bidder: | Violette |
Auction has ended |
Description :
14K Gold Multicolor 5-Strand Pearl Necklace.
The necklace measures 18 inches in length when unclasped. It features a range of colors, including apricot, white, pink, peacock, and an iridescent hue that’s difficult to describe.
Please note that color descriptions are subjective, but the pictures should provide a clearer representation.
Auction History
Highest bidder is Violette
Date | Bid | User |
25-Feb-2025 7:08:32 PM | $47.00 | Violette |
25-Feb-2025 7:08:21 PM | $42.00 | Glove |
25-Feb-2025 7:08:21 PM | $41.00 | Violette |
25-Feb-2025 6:46:14 PM | $36.00 | Glove |
25-Feb-2025 6:01:08 PM | $33.00 | Sheenbean |
25-Feb-2025 12:33:24 PM | $32.00 | lotsofpuggies |
25-Feb-2025 12:33:23 PM | $32.00 | Bluetic |
25-Feb-2025 12:02:07 PM | $26.00 | lotsofpuggies |
25-Feb-2025 11:48:50 AM | $25.00 | ObsidianCowgirl |
25-Feb-2025 5:51:32 AM | $24.00 | Bluetic |
25-Feb-2025 5:51:32 AM | $23.00 | cjsound37 |
18-Feb-2025 3:53:29 PM | $22.00 | Bluetic |
18-Feb-2025 11:39:24 AM | $21.00 | Ilg10 |
18-Feb-2025 11:39:24 AM | $20.00 | Blessed1 |
18-Feb-2025 11:39:15 AM | $16.00 | Ilg10 |
18-Feb-2025 11:39:14 AM | $15.00 | Blessed1 |
18-Feb-2025 11:39:04 AM | $11.00 | Ilg10 |
18-Feb-2025 11:39:04 AM | $10.00 | Blessed1 |
18-Feb-2025 11:14:39 AM | $6.00 | Ilg10 |
18-Feb-2025 10:14:45 AM | $5.00 | Blessed1 |