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Lot # 77 - Fun Finds from the Past! 50s, 60s, & 70s Toys & Collectibles
Opening Bid : | $ 5.00 |
Pickup Instructions: | |
Start Date/Time: | 18-Feb-2025 7:00:00 AM |
End Date/Time: | 25-Feb-2025 8:16:00 PM |
Current bid: |
$37.00 |
Highest bidder: | ShannonLT |
Auction has ended |
Description :
Fun Finds from the Past! A nostalgic collection of toys and collectibles from the '50s, '60s, and '70s. Includes Salty and Peppy shakers in great shape, two adorable chenille pipe cleaner animals with googly eyes, an untested Polaroid Swinger camera with its original box, exceedingly cool FG-marked sunglasses (some yellowing of the white plastic), and a 20 x 15 cork board for displaying your favorite memories. A treasure trove of retro charm!
Auction History
Highest bidder is ShannonLT
Date | Bid | User |
25-Feb-2025 8:09:37 PM | $37.00 | ShannonLT |
25-Feb-2025 8:09:25 PM | $32.00 | Koalakai2020 |
25-Feb-2025 8:09:13 PM | $31.00 | ShannonLT |
25-Feb-2025 8:09:12 PM | $31.00 | Koalakai2020 |
25-Feb-2025 8:08:55 PM | $27.00 | ShannonLT |
25-Feb-2025 8:08:46 PM | $26.00 | Koalakai2020 |
25-Feb-2025 8:08:45 PM | $26.00 | ShannonLT |
25-Feb-2025 8:08:27 PM | $22.00 | Koalakai2020 |
25-Feb-2025 8:08:10 PM | $21.00 | ShannonLT |
25-Feb-2025 8:08:10 PM | $21.00 | Koalakai2020 |
25-Feb-2025 8:07:58 PM | $19.00 | ShannonLT |
25-Feb-2025 8:07:57 PM | $18.00 | Koalakai2020 |
25-Feb-2025 8:07:45 PM | $13.00 | ShannonLT |
25-Feb-2025 8:07:45 PM | $12.00 | Koalakai2020 |
21-Feb-2025 7:22:17 PM | $5.00 | ShannonLT |