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Lot # 104 - Antique Felt & Tarrant Comptometer & The Checkometer Check Writer
Opening Bid : | $ 5.00 |
Pickup Instructions: | |
Start Date/Time: | 18-Feb-2025 7:00:00 AM |
End Date/Time: | 25-Feb-2025 8:43:00 PM |
Current bid: |
$34.00 |
Highest bidder: | MTBURF |
Auction has ended |
Description :
Antique Felt & Tarrant The Comptometer & The Checkometer Check Writer.
Comptometer (Pronounced like thermometer) by Felt & Tarrant Mfg. Co., Chicago, USA.
A mechanical marvel that can add, subtract, multiply, and divide.
Checkometer made by The Checkometer Company, Chicago, Ill. USA.
A classic Trade Mara Check-Writer and Protector.
Auction History
Highest bidder is MTBURF
Date | Bid | User |
25-Feb-2025 8:39:41 PM | $34.00 | MTBURF |
25-Feb-2025 8:39:41 PM | $33.00 | Oasis |
25-Feb-2025 8:38:12 PM | $29.00 | MTBURF |
25-Feb-2025 7:13:35 PM | $17.00 | Oasis |
25-Feb-2025 7:13:34 PM | $16.00 | MTBURF |
25-Feb-2025 6:59:46 PM | $14.00 | Oasis |
25-Feb-2025 7:59:41 AM | $11.00 | nerak777 |
19-Feb-2025 9:10:30 PM | $8.00 | CapnKirk |
19-Feb-2025 9:10:30 PM | $7.00 | Laaevum |
18-Feb-2025 8:49:03 PM | $6.00 | CapnKirk |
18-Feb-2025 10:02:15 AM | $5.00 | nerak777 |