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Lot # 147 - Vintage Christmas Charm: 1970 Blow Mold Candles, Santa Décor & Tree
Opening Bid : | $ 5.00 |
Pickup Instructions: | |
Start Date/Time: | 18-Feb-2025 7:00:00 AM |
End Date/Time: | 25-Feb-2025 9:28:00 PM |
Current bid: |
$66.00 |
Highest bidder: | Bustedcanofbiscuits |
Auction has ended |
Description :
This delightful holiday collection includes:
- 1970 Empire Plastic Blow Mold Noel Candles (Set of 2, 13.5" tall)
- Santa Doll (19" tall to the hat point)
- Santa Décor: Red Santa Claus head, 2 white figurines, and 2 red figurines
- Artificial Tree
Late Addition: 7 metal tree candle holders and 5 reverse-painted glass candles (8" tall). Perfect for adding vintage cheer to your Christmas celebrations!
Auction History
Highest bidder is Bustedcanofbiscuits
Date | Bid | User |
25-Feb-2025 9:22:50 PM | $66.00 | Bustedcanofbiscuits |
25-Feb-2025 9:22:50 PM | $65.00 | Lharr |
25-Feb-2025 9:22:19 PM | $58.00 | Bustedcanofbiscuits |
25-Feb-2025 7:02:51 PM | $56.00 | Lharr |
25-Feb-2025 7:02:50 PM | $55.00 | Sheltea |
25-Feb-2025 7:00:18 PM | $51.00 | Lharr |
25-Feb-2025 6:03:00 PM | $46.00 | Kendall |
25-Feb-2025 6:03:00 PM | $45.00 | Lharr |
25-Feb-2025 5:54:08 PM | $36.00 | Kendall |
25-Feb-2025 5:54:08 PM | $35.00 | Kitsapdesign |
25-Feb-2025 4:55:32 PM | $26.00 | Kendall |
25-Feb-2025 4:55:32 PM | $25.00 | Koalakai2020 |
19-Feb-2025 1:57:48 PM | $21.00 | Kendall |
19-Feb-2025 1:57:48 PM | $20.00 | Sheltea |
18-Feb-2025 1:30:15 PM | $18.00 | Kendall |
18-Feb-2025 12:48:49 PM | $6.00 | Nperhay |
18-Feb-2025 10:42:37 AM | $5.00 | Funfunfun |