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Lot # 159 - Twelve Binders of Stamps: Scott & Others – 1932-1970s Collection
Opening Bid : | $ 5.00 |
Pickup Instructions: | |
Start Date/Time: | 18-Feb-2025 7:00:00 AM |
End Date/Time: | 25-Feb-2025 9:40:00 PM |
Current bid: |
$146.00 |
Highest bidder: | DAGoodwin |
Auction has ended |
Description :
This incredible collection spans from 1932 to the 1970s, featuring twelve binders filled with stamps from Scott and other notable sources. Carefully stored in dry conditions for the past three to four decades, these stamps represent a rich history of philately, making this lot a fantastic find for collectors seeking to expand their collection with vintage treasures.
Auction History
Highest bidder is DAGoodwin
Date | Bid | User |
25-Feb-2025 8:18:44 AM | $146.00 | DAGoodwin |
24-Feb-2025 1:26:01 PM | $132.00 | Slowriver |
24-Feb-2025 3:52:44 AM | $127.00 | DAGoodwin |
24-Feb-2025 3:52:43 AM | $125.00 | Slowriver |
21-Feb-2025 8:07:34 AM | $102.00 | DAGoodwin |
21-Feb-2025 7:33:45 AM | $83.00 | Slowriver |
21-Feb-2025 7:33:13 AM | $76.00 | DAGoodwin |
21-Feb-2025 7:33:12 AM | $75.00 | Slowriver |
18-Feb-2025 8:34:08 PM | $66.00 | DAGoodwin |
18-Feb-2025 8:34:08 PM | $65.00 | Awkswan |
18-Feb-2025 5:21:05 PM | $64.00 | DAGoodwin |
18-Feb-2025 5:21:04 PM | $63.00 | Bijou |
18-Feb-2025 5:20:48 PM | $56.00 | DAGoodwin |
18-Feb-2025 5:20:47 PM | $55.00 | Bijou |
18-Feb-2025 5:18:34 PM | $34.00 | DAGoodwin |
18-Feb-2025 5:18:33 PM | $33.00 | Bijou |
18-Feb-2025 5:18:20 PM | $22.00 | DAGoodwin |
18-Feb-2025 5:18:20 PM | $21.00 | Bijou |
18-Feb-2025 11:46:16 AM | $12.00 | DAGoodwin |
18-Feb-2025 11:46:15 AM | $11.00 | Slowriver |
18-Feb-2025 9:30:57 AM | $5.00 | DAGoodwin |