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REMOVE Timing Is Everything Carnation Auction
A 3 acre property on stunning grounds in Carnation. Three generations of lovingly cared for items that the family is willing to pass on to be treasured by others.
Here's what will be featured in this auction: Antique stained glass slag lamp, Bose surround sound speaker system, James Fagan Art, Lionel train NIB, Antique furniture, Flow Blue Cauldon Porcelain, Antique Herman Von Kaulbach umbrella vase, Victorian Pearline Vases, Crate & Barrell Furniture, lots of yard decor, Cutco knives, yard tools, decor (antique and vintage), Baseball and Football cards.
Pick up for this auction will be on Sunday August 21st in Carnation, WA. 10-2
For those who do not want to make the drive to Carnation I will be willing to bring smalls only for a $5.00 fee back to Burien, WA. Please contact me prior to sale closing, so I can determine if your items constitutes small.
Pay your invoice right after the auction closes. The address will be added to your electronic invoice the morning of the pickups.
For proxy bid instruction please click here
For bid instructions please click here
Start Date/Time: 2022-08-11 07:00:00
End Date/Time: 2022-08-18 19:00:00
PickUp Date/Time: Pick ups will be on Sunday August 21st from 10-2 in Carnation, WA.