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Redmond Tool Time, Hobbies, Home Furnishings, Sport Enthusiast Auction
Closing Tonight At 7PM
Timing is essential on this auction for those looking to buy the perfect Father's Day Gift and Mother's Day gift as well. The owner was a real Renaissance man who had so many interests and hobbies. "The Shop" was his place to create, work and commune with buddies. You can get a real sense in this auction about what he loved: motorcycle riding, photography, fabricating, building and exploring. His wife contributes to this auction too and is equally talented: decorator, artist, gardener, cook and traveler. Most importantly, it was conveyed by the owner that these items will be enjoyed and cherished by those who have the same interests.
Here are just a few things you will find in this auction: High end mens clothing-ARMANI, BARBOUR Jackets, CARTHARTT, ORVIS, BLACKHAWK, Touring Leather Motorcycle Jackets and Pants-Professional photography cameras, lens and equipment, several Craftsman rolling tools chest, loads of tool and industrial machines, shop equipment, John Deere Riding Lawn Mower with many attachments, Crate & Barrel patio furniture, outdoor pots and decor, modern Crate & Barrel dining sets, like new sofas and sectional, kitchenware, gun equipment, art, instruments, sporting goods, antiques and decor.
10% Buyers premium are added to your auction total. Tax is waived if you have an active reseller permit on file.
If you have any questions regarding this auction please call Kathy @206-552-5307 or contact us through info@soundestatecompany.com
Please note this auction pick up will take place on Friday 10-2 and Saturday 10-2. May 12th and 13th The address will only be printed on your invoice the morning of pick ups.
Start Date/Time: 2023-05-04 07:00:00
End Date/Time: 2023-05-11 19:00:00
PickUp Date/Time: Pick ups this weekend, May 12th and 13th -Friday 10-2 and Saturday 10-2.