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Lot # 3 - Yonezawa XM-12 Moon Rocket Toy - Vintage
Opening Bid : | $ 5.00 |
Pickup Instructions: | Pickups will be on Friday, May 3rd, 3pm - 6pm and Saturday, May 4th, 9am - 11am. Location will be on West Hill in Kent with address provided to winning bidders the morning of pickups. Pickup Location will be provided the morning of pickups |
Start Date/Time: | 24-Apr-2024 7:00:00 AM |
End Date/Time: | 01-May-2024 7:02:00 PM |
Current bid: |
$342.00 |
Highest bidder: | Goodz |
Auction has ended |
Description :
Rare toy from Japanese maker Yonezawa. Battery-driven. A special hatch in the nose section of the rocket can be opened so you can replace the bulb in the nose section. At the rear - where the engine is located - another hatch can be opened to replace the engine lights. There are 2 astronauts hidden under a clear canopy behind a beautifully lit dashboard. Tin with XM-12 markings on tail fin. Note: Not tested/unsure if all features work.
Measures 15.25” H x 6” W x 6” L.
Shipping available only through Fed Ex Pack & Ship
Auction History
Highest bidder is Goodz
Date | Bid | User |
01-May-2024 6:53:46 PM | $342.00 | Goodz |
01-May-2024 6:53:46 PM | $337.00 | Tom2T84 |
01-May-2024 7:04:55 AM | $332.00 | Goodz |
01-May-2024 7:04:54 AM | $327.00 | flyfish |
01-May-2024 7:04:26 AM | $316.00 | Goodz |
01-May-2024 7:04:26 AM | $311.00 | flyfish |
01-May-2024 6:56:16 AM | $282.00 | Goodz |
01-May-2024 6:52:15 AM | $255.00 | flyfish |
01-May-2024 6:52:15 AM | $250.00 | Goodz |
25-Apr-2024 6:26:52 AM | $102.00 | flyfish |
24-Apr-2024 4:39:31 PM | $18.00 | Tom2T84 |
24-Apr-2024 2:48:13 PM | $16.00 | WanderingZed |
24-Apr-2024 1:01:42 PM | $13.00 | Coop71 |
24-Apr-2024 1:01:42 PM | $12.00 | 98023 |
24-Apr-2024 9:23:32 AM | $5.00 | Coop71 |