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Lot # 9 - Daiya Rocket Transport & Launch Vehicle Toy - 1965
Opening Bid : | $ 5.00 |
Pickup Instructions: | Pickups will be on Friday, May 3rd, 3pm - 6pm and Saturday, May 4th, 9am - 11am. Location will be on West Hill in Kent with address provided to winning bidders the morning of pickups. Pickup Location will be provided the morning of pickups |
Start Date/Time: | 24-Apr-2024 7:00:00 AM |
End Date/Time: | 01-May-2024 7:08:00 PM |
Current bid: |
$181.00 |
Highest bidder: | Goodz |
Auction has ended |
Description :
Toy rocket transport and launch vehicle from Japanese manufacturer Daiya, circa 1965. Tracked rocket launch vehicle of tin plate featuring caterpillar tracks, with orange cab. Carries two red, white, and blue USAF Titan & Saturn rockets. Cab is marked "T-12". Battery-operated. Very rare! Shows wear commensurate with age - please see photos. Not tested/unsure if features work.
Measures 6" H x 6" W x 9.75" L
Note: this is one of the featured robots on the poster in Lot #68.
Shipping available only through Fed Ex Pack & Ship
Auction History
Highest bidder is Goodz
Date | Bid | User |
01-May-2024 7:03:14 PM | $181.00 | Goodz |
01-May-2024 7:03:14 PM | $176.00 | Tom2T84 |
01-May-2024 7:03:09 PM | $171.00 | Goodz |
01-May-2024 7:03:08 PM | $166.00 | Tom2T84 |
01-May-2024 7:02:47 PM | $156.00 | Goodz |
01-May-2024 7:02:47 PM | $151.00 | Tom2T84 |
01-May-2024 7:02:41 PM | $141.00 | Goodz |
01-May-2024 7:02:41 PM | $136.00 | Tom2T84 |
01-May-2024 6:57:10 AM | $122.00 | Goodz |
25-Apr-2024 6:28:11 AM | $102.00 | flyfish |
24-Apr-2024 11:26:25 PM | $16.00 | Tom2T84 |
24-Apr-2024 1:02:32 PM | $13.00 | Coop71 |
24-Apr-2024 1:02:32 PM | $12.00 | 98023 |
24-Apr-2024 9:23:50 AM | $5.00 | Coop71 |