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Lot # 6 - North American Aviation X-15 Model & Mission Report Book
Opening Bid : | $ 5.00 |
Pickup Instructions: | Pickups will be on Friday, May 3rd, 3pm - 6pm and Saturday, May 4th, 9am - 11am. Location will be on West Hill in Kent with address provided to winning bidders the morning of pickups. Pickup Location will be provided the morning of pickups |
Start Date/Time: | 24-Apr-2024 7:00:00 AM |
End Date/Time: | 01-May-2024 7:09:00 PM |
Current bid: |
$227.00 |
Highest bidder: | x15gal |
Auction has ended |
Description :
Model of X-15 research plane from North American Aviation. United States Air Force insignia on black body with clear Lucite stand & red "flame" support pin. We believe this is a vintage Topping model from the 1960s per their catalog.
Measures 10.5" H x 13" L with 5" wingspan.
X-15 - THE NASA MISSION REPORTS by Robert Godwin (from NASA Archives). Softcover. 2000, Apogee Books (Burlington ON) 408 pages. Book is new in original plastic packaging and includes a CD ROM.
Shipping available only through Fed Ex Pack & Ship
Auction History
Highest bidder is x15gal
Date | Bid | User |
01-May-2024 7:06:33 PM | $227.00 | x15gal |
01-May-2024 7:04:44 PM | $165.00 | Pterodactyl |
29-Apr-2024 10:36:57 PM | $160.00 | Craftsman_Kevin |
29-Apr-2024 2:20:50 PM | $155.00 | aragheb |
29-Apr-2024 2:20:42 PM | $138.00 | DRH1701 |
29-Apr-2024 2:20:42 PM | $133.00 | aragheb |
25-Apr-2024 8:30:33 PM | $128.00 | DRH1701 |
25-Apr-2024 8:21:53 PM | $101.00 | x15gal |
25-Apr-2024 8:21:33 PM | $96.00 | DRH1701 |
25-Apr-2024 8:21:33 PM | $95.00 | x15gal |
25-Apr-2024 8:21:16 PM | $84.00 | DRH1701 |
25-Apr-2024 8:21:16 PM | $83.00 | x15gal |
24-Apr-2024 11:24:08 PM | $82.00 | DRH1701 |
24-Apr-2024 11:24:08 PM | $81.00 | Tom2T84 |
24-Apr-2024 4:29:03 PM | $76.00 | DRH1701 |
24-Apr-2024 4:29:03 PM | $75.00 | NASAcollector |
24-Apr-2024 4:28:47 PM | $51.00 | DRH1701 |
24-Apr-2024 4:28:47 PM | $50.00 | NASAcollector |
24-Apr-2024 3:46:19 PM | $27.00 | DRH1701 |
24-Apr-2024 3:46:19 PM | $26.00 | 997BlueStreak |
24-Apr-2024 8:06:18 AM | $5.00 | DRH1701 |