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Lot # 8 - Apollo 8 Photo: Astronaut Signed: Lovell
Opening Bid : | $ 5.00 |
Pickup Instructions: | Local pickups will be on SATURDAY, November 23rd, from 9am - 1pm. 24730 43rd Ave S. Kent, WA 98032 The location is on Kent’s West Hill near Sunnycrest Elementary School. |
Start Date/Time: | 11-Nov-2024 7:00:00 AM |
End Date/Time: | 18-Nov-2024 6:07:00 PM |
Current bid: |
$50.00 |
Highest bidder: | Jenn27549 |
Auction has ended |
Description :
Color photo of the crew of Apollo 8 – the second manned Apollo Mission. Signed by Apollo 8 James Lovell - one of the few old school astronauts still alive. Included in the photo is James Lovell, William Anders, and Frank Borman; the latter two passed recently. Measures 10" H x 8" W.
We are very sure this is an authentic signature - no pixels visible when examined with magnification and positioning of the signature is slightly different from other signed photos available. We found 2 copies of this signed photo in our client’s files – each with signatures slightly different on looping and positioning. Please compare with the last 3 photos (our client's other copy and 2 authenticated signed photos from the internet.)
Note – we have had no issues with any of this client’s signed memorabilia in previous auctions; we believe these signatures are authentic given the client’s connections/collecting habits. However, please be advised that we have not had them officially authenticated by experts.
Auction History
Highest bidder is Jenn27549
Date | Bid | User |
14-Nov-2024 2:59:41 PM | $50.00 | Jenn27549 |
14-Nov-2024 2:59:40 PM | $50.00 | Artemis |
13-Nov-2024 7:09:16 PM | $46.00 | Jenn27549 |
13-Nov-2024 7:09:15 PM | $45.00 | Spaceman1965 |
13-Nov-2024 7:09:05 PM | $41.00 | Jenn27549 |
13-Nov-2024 7:09:05 PM | $40.00 | Spaceman1965 |
13-Nov-2024 9:23:09 AM | $38.00 | Jenn27549 |
13-Nov-2024 9:23:09 AM | $37.00 | Gemini18 |
13-Nov-2024 9:03:47 AM | $21.00 | Jenn27549 |
13-Nov-2024 8:49:49 AM | $20.00 | Artemis |
11-Nov-2024 6:28:11 PM | $16.00 | Gemini18 |
11-Nov-2024 6:28:11 PM | $15.00 | Spaceman1965 |
11-Nov-2024 6:27:57 PM | $11.00 | Gemini18 |
11-Nov-2024 6:27:56 PM | $10.00 | Spaceman1965 |
11-Nov-2024 1:10:32 PM | $6.00 | Gemini18 |
11-Nov-2024 8:55:01 AM | $5.00 | Spaceman1965 |