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Lot # 11 - Apollo Mission Patches – New & Unused
Opening Bid : | $ 5.00 |
Pickup Instructions: | Local pickups will be on SATURDAY, November 23rd, from 9am - 1pm. 24730 43rd Ave S. Kent, WA 98032 The location is on Kent’s West Hill near Sunnycrest Elementary School. |
Start Date/Time: | 11-Nov-2024 7:00:00 AM |
End Date/Time: | 18-Nov-2024 6:10:00 PM |
Current bid: |
$21.00 |
Highest bidder: | howard26 |
Auction has ended |
Description :
11 different
Apollo patches and one NASA logo patch – all in new and unused condition. Please see photos for details on each patch. Largest (Apollo 11 patch
with pinked edges) measures shy 4” W.
Auction History
Highest bidder is howard26
Date | Bid | User |
18-Nov-2024 6:06:26 PM | $21.00 | howard26 |
13-Nov-2024 7:09:57 PM | $11.00 | Jenn27549 |
13-Nov-2024 7:09:57 PM | $10.00 | Spaceman1965 |
13-Nov-2024 7:09:43 PM | $9.00 | Jenn27549 |
13-Nov-2024 7:09:43 PM | $8.00 | Spaceman1965 |
13-Nov-2024 9:04:48 AM | $6.00 | Jenn27549 |
11-Nov-2024 8:55:31 AM | $5.00 | Spaceman1965 |